A Recent Change That Took Place in Export Administration Regulations May Benefit You

Many of our customer will find a recent change that took place in the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) beneficial. Sierra-Olympia’s Stephanie Mackris, Export Compliance Director, has taken a few minutes to update our customers on the recent change.

Shorter Lead Times For STA Countries

Even though the level of control for our products requires a U.S. export license to be exported outside of the U.S., most of our customers will qualify to utilize the license exception. Utilizing a license exception means we do not have to wait for a license to be approved by the U.S. Department of Commerce. We are very excited for those customers that reside in a Strategic Trade Authorization (STA) country. If you live in STA country, even if the end use or end user is government or military, we can still utilize license exception STA.

This most recent change is very beneficial to our customers in STA countries, because in most cases, we no longer have to apply for a U.S. export license. A U.S. export license can take anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks for approval. This new change saves time in both the administrative burden, because we no longer need multiple documents associated to apply for the license, as well as in lead times. We can get the product into our customer’s hands even sooner.

Each and every export transaction is reviewed on a case by case basis

Each and every export transaction is reviewed on a case by case basis at Sierra-Olympia Technologies by our export team. We need to make sure that an export is authorized to know if we can utilize a license exception such as STA, or if we need a full export license. We are not export consultants, but we are here and available to answer any questions that you may have. We’re very excited about this recent update as it saves time for both us and you, and could get our products into your operations much sooner.

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